Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk published the following press release in regards to the City of Compton Primary Nominating Election results.

April 27, 2021
Contact: Mike Sanchez: (562) 462-2648
Media Info: (562) 462-2833
LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) announced the second post-election ballot count update for the City of Compton Primary Nominating Election.
The update includes four (4) Vote by Mail ballots processed since Election Night. The total election results count is now 7,686, which is 15.64% of registered voters in the City of Compton.
Full election results can be viewed on LAVote.net.
An estimated number of outstanding ballots left to be counted is 166 Vote by Mail ballots pending signature cures from voters who did not provide their signature on the Return Envelope, or the signature on the Return Envelope did not match the voter’s registration record. All impacted voters have been mailed a notice with instructions on how to cure their ballot.
These estimates are subject to change throughout the Official Election Canvass period as our canvass staff process outstanding ballots.
The next ballot counting update will be on Friday, April 30.
The mission of the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk is to serve Los Angeles County by providing essential records management and election services in a fair, accessible and transparent manner.
For more information, visit lavote.net and follow us on Twitter @LACountyRRCC.