June 1, 2021 Compton Municipal run-off election results are published by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk as of Tuesday, 6/8/2021.
The official election results will be certified on Monday, 6/14/2021.

Compton Chamber of Commerce congratulates all the candidates for their successful campaigns. In particular, we congratulate mayor elect of the city of Compton, honorable Ms. Emma Sharif for her election victory.
We wish all newly elected officials a successful term. This election brings new faces to several positions in the Compton city government. To those leaving city government, thank you for your service. To those beginning or continuing city service, we look forward to your successful leadership in the coming year.
For some of you, this may be your first time holding public office. Always remember, serving on the city council is a part-time job with full-time responsibilities. You will be making difficult decisions every day. We are here to help you and our city thrive. Together, we can build a stronger city and a stronger community.
We want to take the opportunity to remind you also that Federal Advocacy is as important as local responsibilities. Washington, D.C. may seem distant and unrelated to your day-to-day responsibilities, but federal legislation, regulations and unfunded mandates can significantly affect our city budget and our residents’ lives. Decisions made by the White House, Congress and federal courts often have major, cascading impacts on our ability to lead our community and pursue a better future.
The new Mayor, City Council Members and other elected officials will be sworn soon. We look forward to see you.