If you made $56K or less in 2019, you are a person with disabilities, or a taxpayer with limited English proficiency, thousands of IRS-certified volunteer tax preparation sites nationwide are ready to help you do your taxes and e-file your tax return for FREE.
Also, if you’re eligible for Earned Income Tax Credit - #EITC you may also qualify for free tax preparation.
Find a VITA site near you at: www.irs.gov/vita
Ready to do your taxes but could use a little help? Get the tax credits you deserve without spending a cent. IRS certified volunteers can take the stress out of filing your taxes.
You have questions? Here is who you can contact:
Daniel A. Swaby Senior Stakeholder Liaison Internal Revenue Service Communications and Liaison (C&L) 300 N. Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office Phone: (213) 372-4436 Fax: (855) 787-2568 E-mail: daniel.a.swaby@irs.gov
Watch out for tax preparer scams. See the full #IRS warning here: https://go.usa.gov/xd4Z2