As a public service by Compton Chamber of Commerce, you will find below the public notice regarding the April 20, 2021 Election in Compton as published by the Compton City Clerk’s office.

In light of COVID-19 and the Stay at Home Order issued by the Governor, the Compton City Clerk’s office is providing candidates with additional support and options for issuing and filing documents during the April 20, 2021 election nomination period. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure all candidates and City elections officials have a healthy and safe environment during the candidate filing process.
Issuing Candidate Nomination Documents -
Nomination Period Deadline: January 25, 2021
Filing Fee: $300.00
In-person appointments – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Candidates may be issued nomination documents in-person during available hours by appointment at the Compton City Clerk’s Office, 205 S. Willowbrook Ave., Compton.
Appointments MUST be made 24 hours in advance.
a. Candidates must first contact the City Clerk’s Office (310) 605-5530 to speak with the City Clerk or Chief/Deputy City Clerk to schedule their in-person appointment during available business hours.
b. After setting an appointment, but prior to issuing nomination documents, the City Clerk or Chief/Deputy City Clerk shall follow normal procedures and guidelines to verify eligibility of the candidate for the office sought.
c. In-person appointment requirements – Mask/face covering is required for staff and all candidates or representatives. The attendance by the candidate and their representatives for the in-person appointment is limited to two persons (including the candidate). A 6-foot physical distancing is required during the appointment. Staff will wash or sanitize hands prior to issuing documents and will sanitize the table, door knob, chair (hard surfaces), and pens before each appointment.
d. Hard copies of candidate materials may be issued to the candidate’s designee. The designee must submit written authorization from the candidate to conduct candidate related business on their behalf, and the authorization must name the designee by name, and must have the original wet signature of the candidate.
e. If the candidate is requesting to receive documents electronically, via mail or email, after verification of eligibility, the City Clerk or Chief/Deputy City Clerk will send the candidate a “Request to Receive Documents” form that must be filled out and returned by the candidate via USPS mail, by overnight service, or by email.
To meet the requirement of Elections Code Section 8028(b), the Receive Documents form must be filed with the City Clerk or Chief/Deputy City Clerk prior to issuing nomination documents to the candidate.