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April 10, Good Friday Community Communion Service

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

Good Friday is a day in which we can reflect upon the goodness of God. We invite you take part in our Good Friday Community Communion Service as we remember God’s love for us and take part in all that he has to offer us through His sacrifice and invitation to the communion table.

Good Friday Service begins promptly at 7:00 pm on Friday, April 10th, 2020.

Jesus came to seek the lost, heal the sick, free the captive and restore the broken.

We give thanks for his unfailing love.

Lord God, who makes all things new, thank you for coming to us, becoming one of us, carrying our shame and our pain, and opening the way to life.

We lift up our hearts to honor you and give you thanks.

As part of his work of healing, Jesus gave us this sacrament to remind us of his love, invite us into his grace, and extend to us his renewal.

So we remember at his last meal with his friends before he died Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and then shared it, saying: This is my body, broken for you. Eat it and remember me. After they had eaten, he took wine, blessed it and shared it, saying: This is my blood, shed for you. Drink it and remember me. And so, we eat and drink, and we remember: the sacrifice of Jesus which makes us whole. Amen.

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