Compton Chamber of Commerce congratulates all the candidates qualifying for the June 1st run-off election for their successful campaigns, We wish the ultimate winners who will become the members of the incoming city administration a successful term.
A victor will not be named before Friday, June 4th, as mail-in ballots postmarked on election day have until that day to reach the registrar’s office to be counted.
The election results are scheduled to be certified on June 14th.
Total number of registrations: 48,387
The voter registration figure reflects registrations 29 days before the election.
Ballot Distribution:
Vote by Mail Ballots: 5,774
Vote Center Ballots: 376
Results shared here are as published by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk as of 6/1/2021 10:14:06 PM.
You may check the election results here:
