Primary Target Audience of
Comfort Keto Program
Comfort Keto Project serves primarily:
the working professionals, and
the civil servants
in the greater Compton region in Southern California.
People make decisions based on their environment. Community, school, and workplace settings all influence people’s daily behaviors.
Therefore, it is utmost important to create environments in these locations that make it easier to eat a healthy diet.

Providing healthy food options in the work environment is an effective way to get employees to stick to smart eating habits —which benefits both the individuals and the company.
According to the US Labor Department statistics, working people eat out regularly. They cook infrequently and the families eat out frequently. This situation has serious adverse implications on decisions relating to food purchasing, preparation, and consumption.
We believe that healthy professionals will also pass on their healthy eating habits to their families.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
obesity and correlated health conditions have
a $150 billion-a-year impact on the U.S. health care system.
Business leaders rank the cost of health care as one of the biggest threats to an organization's bottom-line. Yearly increases in employee medical care costs are on the radar screen of every successful workplace -both in private sector or public sector-, as the healthcare costs increase considerably more than the cost increases associated with labor, materials, or energy.

One of the more commonly used solution has been cost shifting − passing the increases along to employees and/or customers. From a company perspective these tactics do reduce in short term the healthcare cost burden for the company, but they do not address the core of the problem: the high demand and high cost of health care.
Healthy eating must be a top priority for any successful wellness program, because majority of the chronic illnesses are food- and diet-related.

In recent years, businesses and government agencies are making serious efforts to improve the health of their employees through comprehensive wellness programs.
Successfull wellness programs make "nutrition" the centerpiece of their efforts.
You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet !
Typical corporate wellness programs force upon employees health scans, gym memberships and fitness classes to create healthier work environments and lives for employees. Yet, physical exercise alone doesn't suffice to be well, healthy, and productive.
Nutrition is the key to wellness!
The need for better, more complete health and wellness programs is evident, as more than two-thirds of the U.S. population is classified as obese and 86 million Americans struggling with pre-diabetes.

Comfort Keto's Other Target Group:
Adult Females
Many health issues that are common to both women and men affect women differently. Although the symptoms may be similar, the effects may differ significantly for women.
In addition, some conditions might affect women primarily, or more severely than men.
Percentage of adults age 20 and over who tried to lose weight in 2017, categorized by sex and obesity level; Source CDC

Over 75% of the attendees of Comfort Keto's cooking workshops during the last 5 years have been women. Most of them were dealing with some form of hormone, endocrine and/or blood sugar regulation issue. That is because women undergo many complex hormonal changes between menstrual cycles.
The female body is more severely affected than the male body, when industrial foods, which contain endocrine system interrupting chemicals, are consumed on a regular basis.
As the women make the majority of the decisions in the family relating to food purchasing, preparation, and consumption, and are more severely affected by bad food choices, it is important to that our program makes it easier for the female workforce to stick to a healthy diet.

As the society develops economically, increasing number of women enter the workforce. Let's have a look at a few US Labor Department statistics in terms of workforce makeup.
While in the 1950s one in three women participated in the work force, today nearly four out of every five women of working age are in the workplace.
Women are now the primary source of income or co-money maker in nearly two thirds of American families. Working married women bring home 44% of their family’s income.
During early 2000s, women made up 48 percent of the labor force and men 52 percent.
In the same period, about 5.1 percent of women were absent in the average week, compared with 2.7 percent of men —meaning they worked less than 35 hours during the week because of illness, injury, or a variety of other reasons (family matters such as child care, elder care).